Everyone you meet in this world of ours has some form of anxiety, fear or stress that will show up in their body and most of us do not know what it is. It might be butterflies, headache, dizziness, feeling overwhelmed or some other sense of unease. Whatever it is that your body does to send you a signal, here are a few simple tricks that you can use anywhere, to feel grounded.
- Get back into your body, move, stretch or breath
- Wiggle your toes - in shoes or barefoot
- Tap your body - self-soothe
- Go for a walk - change your environment, get into nature
- Breathe deeply for a few minutes - quiet the thoughts
- Play some music - a distraction
- Meditate - breathe and concentrate
- Shake/dance (this one is more difficult to do in public, or not? ;-)
- Self-massage - self-soothe
- Stomp your feet
These might all sound simple, they are, but we are not all provided with these tools in the moments that we need them. Knowing which one works for you will help you quickly regulate your body, in times of need, so it doesn’t stay in a Fight-or-flight state.
Try them over the coming weeks and see which one works for you, my faviourite at the moment is shaking. Sally introduced me to shaking in one of her workshops an dI have been shaking ever since. Check out Sally’s upcoming workshops.